Mouseover: Name of stop and next departures Left click: Use as origin, destination or via
Mouseover: Name and additional information (address, link) Left click: Use as origin, destination or via
Display bus positions
Mouseover: More bus information
Bus on time
Bus < 5 min delay
Bus > 5 min delay
Animation of the journey
Left click: Grab the map with the left mouse key and move it, zoom in with double click
Zoom assistant
Press shift and open with the mouse a rectangle to zoom that area.
Origin, destination, via
Right click: The first click sets the origin, the second the destination; click the pin to remove it, the third a via; click the pin to remove it
Left click: Grab the pin and move it untill the mouse key is released
Matching Services
Ctrl+Right click: services that run along the given street
You can find timetable information for alternative routing, stop or service changes here.
Transport Updates
There are currently no updates.
You can find interesting data about your origin here.
Downloads for Origin
Service Timetable A PDF file that contains all the timetable information of the desired service.
City Map A map of the requested point and the surrounding area.
Stop Timetable A PDF file of the desired service's stop timetable.
Route Map A PDF file that displays the route of the desired service on a map.
You can find interesting data about your destination here.
Downloads for Destination
Service Timetable A PDF file that contains all the timetable information of the desired service.
City Map A map of the requested point and the surrounding area.
Stop Timetable A PDF file of the desired service's stop timetable.
Route Map A PDF file that displays the route of the desired service on a map.
If you only need one or a few timetables, or want to update your timetable book, you can get a service timetable here just like it is printed in the timetable book.Or if you wish to display a route on the map, enter the desired service here.
Downloads for Service
Service Timetable A PDF file that contains all the timetable information of the desired service.
Route Map A PDF file that displays the route of the desired service on a map.
If you have planned a journey, you can choose what you would like to print. Either all or single journeys can be printed. You can „print journey selection with details" or „print journey selection as a summary".